Figure 7.
The Synergistic Phenotype of mwp1; Rld1 Double Mmutants.
(A) Rld1-N1990/rld1+ mutant.
(B) mwp1-R; Rld1-N1990/rld1+ double mutant showing longitudinal sectors that extend the length of sheath and blade. A leafless node is indicated by a white arrow.
(C) Same genotype as in (B) but with an ectopic blade fused to and developing from a sector in the main leaf.
(D) mwp1-R; Rld1-N1990/rld1+ double mutant leaves extended to show the shape and propagation of the sectors from sheath to blade.
(E) Scanning electron micrograph of the sheath of a mwp1-R; Rld1-N1990/rld1+ mutant leaf, as seen from the abaxial side, showing normal-looking sheath (left side) and the adaxialized, hairless epidermis of a sector (right side).
(F) Magnified view of the adaxialized epidermis of the sector shown in (E).
(G) Sheath of mwp1-R; Rld1-N1990/rld1+ mutant leaf showing an adaxialized sector with small hairs (right side), in contrast with the hairy, normal-looking sheath of adjacent tissue.
(H) Scanning electron micrograph of the sectors and flaps observed on the abaxial surface of mwp1-R; Rld1-N1990/rld1+ leaf blades.
(I) Transverse section corresponding to the region shown in (H). Dashed lines connect equivalent positions in (H) and (I), corresponding to developing ectopic blade margins.
(J) Transverse section of an mwp1-R leaf that, like the wild type, shows bulliform cells only on the adaxial epidermis (arrow).
(K) Transverse section of a Rld1-N1990/rld1+ leaf, showing bulliform cells (arrow) on the abaxial side but not on the adaxial.
(L) Detailed view of (I), showing abaxial bulliform cells (arrow) as in (K).