(A) Deduced amino acid sequence of XB15. Italic bold represents residues that interact with metal cofactors in human PP2Cα [47]. The PP2C catalytic domain is underlined, and the unique insertion sequence in the PP2C catalytic domain is marked with italics. Predicted nuclear targeting signals are double-underlined (http://www.psort.org/).(B) Phylogenetic analysis at POL and PLLs from Arabidopsis and rice.
For determining phylogenetic relationships, protein sequences of the conserved PP2C domains for putative plant proteins related to POL were aligned and then used in ClustalV. Ten thousand bootstrap replicates were performed. Rice PP2Cs with low homology to XB15, Os03g04430, and Os12g39120 were defined as outgroups. Sequences used in this analysis were as follows: POL, PLL1 (AAC3686), PLL2 (NP195860), PLL3 (NP187551), PLL4 (AAL38775), and PLL5 (AAK32783) from Arabidopsis; and XB15, Os03g60650, Os03g25600, Os02g46490, Os05g02110, and Os03g16760 from rice.