Sam68 nuclear bodies are novel nuclear structures. HeLa cells were fixed, permeabilized, and double immunostained with anti-Sam68 7-1 and anti-coilin (a–c), anti-Sam68 AD1 and anti-SMN (d–f), or anti-Sam68 AD1 and anti-PML (g–i). Anti-Sam68 antibodies were followed by rhodamine-conjugated secondary antibodies (left panels), and the other antibodies were followed by FITC-conjugated secondary antibodies (middle panels). Colocalization was determined by merging the confocal images of the left and middle panels using confocal microscopy (right panels). Sam68 nuclear bodies are indicated by arrows, and coiled bodies, gems, and PML nuclear bodies are indicated by arrowheads. The large arrow in panel f indicates partial overlap between a Sam68 nuclear body and a gem.