Effects of PYO, ATP, and thapsigargin on Cai in CF15
cells. CF15 cells grown to confluency on cover glasses were loaded with
fura-2 and mounted in the imaging microscope for measurements of
Cai. Calibrations of 350:385 ratio in terms of
Cai (in nm, shown on y axis) were
performed at the end of the experiment (data not shown). Bold line
shows average response of ∼30 cells in the field, and lighter
lines show responses of five single cells. 500-s time bar is also shown.
Addition of 100 μm of PYO had no effects on
Cai, whereas subsequent addition of 100 μm
ATP caused a characteristically rapid spike in Cai
followed by a secondary slower response. Further addition of 1
μm thapsigargin (TG) also caused a large increase in
Cai. Experiments are typical of three similar