Impaired OXPHOS can be restored by the expression of RNAi-resistant SUV3. A, immunoblot showing a decrease in the expression of complex I, III, and IV proteins using 30 μg of whole cell lysate from LK6 cells treated with 5 μg/ml doxycycline (+dox) but not in parental or mock-treated cells. B, measurement of complex IV activity (left bar graph) and citrate synthase activity (middle) and their relative ratio (right) in SUV3 shRNA-induced LK6 cells. C, immunoblot of SUV3 from U2OS cells targeted by SUV3 siRNA. D, immunoblot showing a decrease in the expression of complex I, III, and IV proteins in SUV3 siRNA-treated U2OS cells after 2 and 5 days of transfection. E, immunoblot showing the level of SUV3 in control LK6 or in LK6R expressing the shRNA-resistant SUV3 version by retroviral infection. Both cells were induced (+) or uninduced (-) with doxycycline (5 μg/ml for 8 days). F, immunoblot showing only a partial diminution in the expression of complex I, III, and IV proteins in LK6R cells treated similarly to those described in E, with doxycycline compared with control. u, untreated; Luc, luciferase siRNA.