Figure 2. HIF-1α protein measurements during RSV infection in vitro.
(A, B) Cultured pulmonary epithelia (A549) were grown to 80% confluency, infected with intact (multiplicity of infection, MOI 1, 3 or 5) or UV-inactivated RSV (MOI 3). In other studies A549 cells were exposed over 24 h to ambient hypoxia (2% oxygen). Cells were lysed and nuclear proteins were isolated, and Western immunoblotting for RSV G-protein (A) or HIF1α was performed. Uninfected cells were used as control (Co). The same blots were probed for β-actin expression as a control for protein loading. A representative blot of 3 is shown, in addition to densitometric analysis of HIF-1α protein levels relative to β-actin (C;*P<.01, different from control, n = 3).