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. 2008 Aug 11;105(Suppl 1):11458–11465. doi: 10.1073/pnas.0802812105

Table 1.

Percent decline (biomass, catch, percent cover) for fauna and flora from various marine environments

Taxon Starting date Location % loss Ref.
Estuaries and coastal seas
    Large whales Pristine Global 85% 23
    Small whales Pristine Global 59% 23
    Pinnipeds and otters Pristine Global 55% 23
    Sirenia Pristine Global 90% 23
    Raptors Pristine Global 79% 23
    Seabirds Pristine Global 57% 23
    Shorebirds Pristine Global 61% 23
    Waterfowl/waders Pristine Global 58% 23
    Sea turtles Pristine Global 87% 23
    Diadromous fish Pristine Global 81% 23
    Groundfish Pristine Global 62% 23
    Large pelagics Pristine Global 74% 23
    Small pelagics Pristine Global 45% 23
    Oysters Pristine Global 91% 23
    Mussels Pristine Global 47% 23
    Crustaceans Pristine Global 39% 23
    Other invertebrates Pristine Global 49% 23
    Seagrass Pristine Global 65% 23
    SAV* Pristine Global 48% 23
    Wetlands Pristine Global 67% 23
    Large carnivores Pristine Global 77% 23
    Small carnivores Pristine Global 60% 23
    Large herbivores Pristine Global 63% 23
    Small herbivores Pristine Global 54% 23
    Suspension feeders Pristine Global 68% 23
Shelf and pelagic fisheries
    Large predatory fishes 1900 N. Atlantic 89% 3
    Atlantic cod 1852 Scotian shelf 96% 24
    Fish 4–16 kg Pristine North Sea 97% 39
    Fish 16–66 kg Pristine North Sea 99% 39
    Large predatory fish 1950s Global 90% 4
    Large pelagic predators 1950s Tropical Pacific 90% 47
    Fishery biomass 1959 Bohai Sea 95% 38
Coastal and pelagic sharks
    Hammerheads 1986 N.W. Atlantic 89% 31
    Scalloped hammerhead 1972 North Carolina 98% 30
    White 1986 N.W. Atlantic 79% 31
    Tiger 1986 N.W. Atlantic 65% 31
    Tiger 1973 North Carolina 97% 30
    Carcharhinus spp. 1986 N.W. Atlantic 61% 31
    Thresher 1986 N.W. Atlantic 80% 31
    Blue 1986 N.W. Atlantic 60% 31
    Mako 1986 N.W. Atlantic 70% 31
    Mako 1950s Gulf of Mexico 45% 32
    Oceanic whitetip 1950s Gulf of Mexico 99% 32
    Silky 1950s Gulf of Mexico 91% 32
    Dusky 1950s Gulf of Mexico 79% 32
    Dusky 1972 North Carolina 99% 30
    Blacktip shark 1972 North Carolina 93% 30
    Bull shark 1973 North Carolina 99% 30
    Sandbar shark 1976 North Carolina 87% 30
Coral reefs
    Live coral cover 1977 Caribbean 80% 59
    Live coral cover 1977 Caribbean 93% 60
    Live coral cover 1980–1982 Indo-West Pacific 46% 64
    Commercial sponges 1924 Florida 89% 79
    Diadema antillarum 1977 Caribbean 92% 80
    Reef fish density 1977 Caribbean 90% 60
    Green turtle 1700s Caribbean >99% 82
    Hawksbill turtle 1700s Caribbean >99% 82
    Goliath grouper 1956 Florida Keys 96% 71
    Large carnivores Pristine Global 85% 8, 69
    Small carnivores Pristine Global 61% 8, 69
    Large herbivores Pristine Global 87% 8, 69
    Small herbivores Pristine Global 66% 8, 69
    Corals Pristine Global 61% 8, 69
    Suspension feeders Pristine Global 49% 8, 69
    Seagrasses Pristine Global 50% 8, 69

Starting dates are beginning of time series except in cases of estimated declines from the pristine, unexploited condition. See original references for details.

*Submerged aquatic vegetation.