Absence of intracellular AR in IC-21 cells. (A) Flow cytometry of intact and permeabilized IC-21 cells incubated for 1 h with the anti-AR antibody AR (N-20) and secondary fluorescent antibody (Sec. Ab-FITC). In permeabilized cells, the blocking peptide AR (N-20)P cannot competitively displace the slight increase in fluorescence of AR (N-20). (B) IC-21 cells and LNCaP cells as a control were subjected to Western blotting using the anti-AR antibody AR (N-20) and the ECL detection system. Only LNCaP cells reveal the AR band at 110 kDa. (C) RT-PCR with RNA isolated from mouse testes and IC-21 cells with markers (pUC mix, MBI Fermentas) on the left. The primer pair AR-P1/AR-M1 (1) spanned a 511-nt region of the DNA-binding domain of AR. The primer pairs AR-P2/AR-M2 (2), AR-P3/AR-M3 (3), and AR-P4/AR-M3 (4) spanned regions of the carboxyl terminus of the AR with 560, 365, and 281 nt, respectively. The expected bands were only revealed in testes. The primer pairs mzfm-P1/mzfm-M1 (5) and mzfm-P2/mzfm-M2 (6) yielded bands of 640 and 253 nt, respectively, of the low abundant mRNA of the gene mzfm in both testes and IC-21 cells. Control 1, RT-PCR without primers; Control 2, PCR with the primer pair AR-P1/AR-M1 without RNA.