Figure 3.
Molecular and biochemical characterization of transgenic Arabidopsis amiSAT3 plants. A, Transcript levels for all members of the SAT gene family in Arabidopsis were determined by quantitative real-time PCR after extraction of total mRNA from leaves of 8-week-old plants (n > 5). Proteins were extracted from three individuals of wild-type plants (black bars) and amiSAT3 plants of lines 4 and 5 (gray bars) of the same age. B, The crude protein extracts (60–100 μg) were tested three times for SAT activity (n = 9). C and D, The abundance of mitochondrial SAT3 was analyzed (n = 9) by immunological detection (C) and quantified by densitometry (D). The large subunit of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase (LSU) served as a loading control after staining with Coomassie Brilliant Blue. Error bars indicate sd, and asterisks mark significant differences using the unpaired t test.