Fig. 3. Cell surface expression, dimerization and pharmacology of mGlu1C1:mGlu5C2 and mGlu5C1:mGlu1C2 heterodimers.
A. Percentage of receptor reaching the cell surface as determined by anti-HA ELISA on intact and permeabilized cells. B. Protein-protein interaction as detected by TR-FRET using anti-HA and/or anti-Myc antibodies carrying either Eu3+-Cryptate PBP or AlexaFluor 647. Values are means ± S.E.M. of triplicate determinations from a representative experiment. C, D. Effect of Ro01-6128 and DFB on EC50 of quisqualate on mGlu1C1:mGlu5C2 and mGlu5C1:mGlu1C2. EC50 values are expressed as percentage of the EC50 value measured in the absence of modulator. Values are mean ± S.E.M. of n = 10 and 5 experiments respectively.