Cytoplasmic localization of XTCF3 associated with the coexpression of cnxPg. Cells were injected with DNA encoding GFP-tagged XTCF3 either alone (C) or together with cnxN2ΔPg (A and B), cnxN3ΔPg (D), or cnxN4ΔPg (E and F); 20 h later, cells were examined while living (C and D) or were fixed and stained with an anti-plakoglobin antibody to visualize the cnxPg polypeptide (A and E). When coexpressed in A6 cells with full-length cnxPg (our unpublished results), cnxN2ΔPg (A and B) or cnxN3ΔPg (D), GFP-XTCF3–derived green fluorescence was observed in the cytoplasm. Cytoplasmic localization of GFP-tagged XTCF3 was not observed in cells expressing XTCF3 alone (C) or in cells coexpressing cnxN4ΔPg (E and F). Removal of the N-terminal 166 amino acids of XTCF3 abolished its interaction with cnxPg (G, stained for plakoglobin; H, green fluorescence). The images in this figure were not deconvoluted.