visualization of an entire anaphase cell. (A) Chromosomes (blue)
protruding at the periphery of the two sets are evidenced. (B) A stereo
pair of the polar view shows the presence of a regular circular
depression. The fusing chromosomes appear as several large masses,
limited with radial furrows. (C) Median view of a set showing the
presence of radially disposed and unfused chromosomes. (D) The
transversal sectioning of this set shows the concave polar face with
the depression, the concave median face, and the presence of NORs
(yellow) within the central part of the set. (E and F) By rendering DNA
transparent, the NORs are clearly localized within the central part of
the set. They are disposed as a ring at the bottom of the depression
(E). Bars, 2 μm.