Protein localization during kidney development.
Kidney sections from neonatal CD1 mice were subjected to double
immunofluorescence with polyclonal antibodies to Na/K-ATPase,
ankyrin-3, fodrin, E-cadherin, and a monoclonal antibody to cytokeratin
8. (A, B) Field from neonatal kidney that was subjected to double
immunofluorescence with anti-Na/K-ATPase and anti-cytokeratin 8
antibodies. Na/K-ATPase was detected using a
rhodamine-labeled secondary antibody, and cytokeratin 8 was
detected using a fluorescein-labeled secondary antibody. (A)
Na/K-ATPase staining alone; (B) double exposure for Na/K-ATPase and
cytokeratin 8 staining. (C, D) Field from neonatal kidney that was
subjected to double immunofluorescence with antibodies to ankyrin-3 and
cytokeratin 8. Ankyrin-3 was detected using a
rhodamine-labeled secondary antibody, and cytokeratin 8 was
detected using a fluorescein-labeled secondary antibody. Ankyrin-3
staining is shown alone (C) or as a double exposure with cytokeratin 8
staining (D). Insets in C and D show a comma-shaped body from a different field immediately
beneath a branch of the ureteric bud. The ureteric bud can be
identified by its prominent cytokeratin 8 staining in D. (E, F) Field
from neonatal kidney that was subjected to double immunofluorescence
with anti-fodrin and anti-cytokeratin 8 antibodies. Fodrin was detected
using a rhodamine-labeled secondary antibody, and
cytokeratin 8 was detected using a fluorescein-labeled secondary
antibody. (E) Fodrin staining alone; (F) double exposure for fodrin and
cytokeratin 8 staining. (G, H) Field from neonatal kidney that was
subjected to double immunofluorescence with antibodies to E-cadherin
and cytokeratin 8. E-cadherin was detected using a
rhodamine-labeled secondary antibody, and cytokeratin 8 was
detected using a fluorescein-labeled secondary antibody. E-cadherin
staining is shown alone (G) or as a double exposure with cytokeratin 8
staining (H). Asterisks mark comma-shaped bodies that are found
immediately below them. Arrows in A and B point to other early
nephrogenic structures that are identified by weak basal and apical
cytokeratin 8 staining. All fields are shown at the same magnification.
Bar, 50 μm.