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. 2006 May;22(6):481–484. doi: 10.1016/s0828-282x(06)70264-1


Patient information

Patient Age at implant Cardiac diagnoses Cardiac surgical history Prior cardiac procedures Indication for pacing Rhythm at implant time
1 5 years TGA intact septum, SubPS BT; Mustard, SubPS resection, MV repair; Redo mustard; LAV valve replacement 4 APB Complete heart block, paroxysmal atrial fibrillation
2* 14 months Shone’s anomaly: CoA, MS, subaortic stenosis bicuspid aortic valve CoA repair; Redo CoA repair; Resection supravalvular mitral ring; MV replacement 4 APB Complete heart block, accelerated idioventricular rhythm
3 9 months ToF ToF repair 1 APB Sinus rhythm/accelerated junctional rhythm
4 10 years PA, intact septum BT; BDG; Fontan 3 SND Junctional bradycardia
5* 3 years Hypoplastic left heart Norwood, BT revision; BDG; Fontan 3 SND Atrial flutter
6 2 months VSD VSD repair 1 APB Complete heart block with junctional escape
7 10 years TA, VSD, subaortic stenosis PA banding; BDG; Fontan 2 SND Sinus bradycardia with premature atrial beats
8* 23 years TA, PS RBT; LBT; Fontan; PA arterioplasty, Redo BT 4 SND, IART Sinus bradycardia
9* 5 years Unbalanced AVSD, TGA, PA, AV valve incompetence BT shunt; BDG; Fontan 3 APB Junctional bradycardia
10* 5 years DILV BDG; Fontan 3 SND Junctional bradycardia
11 4 years ToF ToF repair 1 Long QT Sinus rhythm, intermittent torsade de pointes

Follow-up duration below mean

Pacemaker implantation was primary operation of admission. APB Acquired postoperative heart block; AV Atrioventricular; AVSD Atrioventricular septal defect; BDG Bidirectional Glenn; BT Blalock-Taussig shunt; CoA Coarctation of the aorta; DILV Double inlet left ventricle; IART Intra-atrial re-entrant tachycardia; L Left; LAV Left atrioventricular; MS Mitral stenosis; MV Mitral valve; PA Pulmonary atresia; PS Pulmonary stenosis; R Right; SND Sinus node dysfunction; SubPS Subpulmonary stenosis; TA Tricuspid atresia; TGA Transposition of great arteries; ToF Tetralogy of Fallot; VSD Ventricular septal defect