A Risk prediction estimates in primary prevention among patients without cardiovascular disease or diabetes. CLEM(CHD) and CLEM(CVD) refer to the Cardiovascular Life Expectancy Model estimates of coronary death or cardiovascular death, respectively, based on the Lipid Research Clinics dataset (3). Framingham1 and Framingham2 refer to estimates for coronary death and all coronary events, respectively, based on the Framingham dataset (2). SCORE(CVD) refers to cardiovascular death estimates based on the Systematic COronary Risk Evaluation dataset (11). B Risk prediction estimates in primary prevention among diabetic patients without cardiovascular disease. CLEM refers to the Cardiovascular Life Expectancy Model estimates of coronary death based on the Lipid Research Clinics dataset. UKPDS refers to coronary events based on the United Kingdom Prospective Diabetes Study dataset (8). SCORE(CVD) refers to cardiovascular death estimates based on the SCORE dataset using a diabetes multiplier (2× for men, 4× for women). C Risk prediction estimates in secondary prevention among patients with cardiovascular disease. CLEM refers to the Cardiovascular Life Expectancy Model estimates of coronary death over 10 years based on the Lipid Research Clinics dataset. Framingham3 refers to estimates for all coronary events over four years based on the Framingham dataset