A. Expression of Mcl-1 (thick lines) in double-negative CD4−CD8−CD3− (DN), double-positive CD4+CD8+ (DP), CD4 single-positive CD4+CD8−TCRβhi (CD4SP), CD8 single-positive CD4−CD8+TCRβhi (CD8SP), immature single-positive CD4−CD8+TCRβ − (ISP), and positively selected DP CD4+CD8+CD69+TCRβhi thymocytes as assessed by FACS. B. Expression of Mcl-1 (thick lines) in different DN subpopulations: DN1 – CD44+CD25− DN2 – CD44+CD25+; DN3 – CD44−CD25+; DN4 – CD44−CD25− as assessed by FACS. C. Expression of Mcl-1 (thick lines) in peripheral T cells: naïve (CD44−CD62Lhi) CD4+ or CD8+ T cells; activated/effector memory (CD44+CD62Llo) CD4+ or CD8+ T cells and central memory (CD44+CD62Lhi) CD8+ T cells as assessed by FACS. (A–C) The shaded histograms depict isotype control staining. For DP, CD4SP, CD8SP, and positively selected DP cells the thin lines represent staining for Mcl-1 in these cells from Mcl-1f/fCD4-Cre mice. The numbers represent the ratios of the fluorescence intensity of Mcl-1 staining divided by the fluorescent intensity of the isotype control staining. Data are representative of four individual experiments.