α2 integrin regulates endocrine lineage commitment in HRA-19
cells. A, HRA-19 cells were seeded into 8-chamber slides in
serum-free medium with and without antibodies to α2 (P1E6), α4
(P1H4), α5 (P1D6), and αv (P3G8) integrin, all at 500 ng/ml.
Experiments were also attempted with α6 antibody (NKI-GoH3), but cell
attachment was severely affected, and therefore data could not be collected.
Data shown are mean ± S.D. (n = 3) **, p
< 0.0001. Results are representative of a series of experiments performed
with control and antibody-treated cells: α2 mAb P1E6 (five independent
experiments), α4 mAb P1H4 (three independent experiments), α5 mAb
P1D6 (two independent experiments), αv mAb P3G8 (three independent
experiments). B, cells were seeded into 8-chamber slides in the
presence of differing doses of antibodies to α1 integrin (FB12) or
α2 integrin (PIE6). Data are the mean ± S.D. (n = 4)
**, p < 0.0001. This experiment is representative of
two independent experiments. Values are presented as % control for