The yeast Top1-clamp460 induces a
glr1Δ-dependent lethal phenotype. A, schematic
representation of the domain structure of human and yeast Top1 (hTop1 and
yTop1, respectively). Cysteine substitutions of conserved Gly and Ser residues
(in boldface type) constitute the corresponding
hTop1-clamp534 and yTop1-clamp460. B, congenic
top1Δ yeast strains (GLR1 and glr1Δ),
transformed with the indicated YCpGAL1-ytop1 constructs, were serially diluted
and spotted onto SC-uracil plates supplemented with dextrose (Dex) or
galactose (Gal), 25 mm HEPES, pH 7.2, Me2SO and
as indicated, CPT. As in Fig.
5, cell viability was assessed following incubation at 30