The N-terminal and linker domains modulate locking of the
yTop1-clamp460. A, exponential cultures of
top1Δ cells transformed with the indicated YCpGAL1-yeast and
human top1 chimeras were serially diluted and spotted onto SC-uracil
plates supplemented with dextrose (Dex) or galactose (Gal),
25 mm HEPES (pH 7.2), 0.125% Me2SO, and the indicated
concentrations of CPT. Cell viability was assessed after incubation at 30
°C. B, crude cell extracts of galactose-induced cultures were
corrected for protein concentration, serially 10-fold diluted, and incubated
in plasmid DNA relaxation assays as described under “Experimental
Procedures.” Lane C, plasmid DNA control. (R) and (-),
the positions of relaxed and supercoiled DNA, respectively.