Figure 9.
(A) 2D RAD spectrum of AMY10 fibrils, obtained at 150.7 MHz 13C NMR frequency with MAS at 21.00 kHz and a 1000 ms exchange period. Arrows indicate crosspeaks between 13C NMR signals of Phe15 aromatic carbons and Ile26/Leu27 methyl carbons (solid lines), Asn14 Cα carbons (dashed lines), and Phe15 Cα and Cβ carbons (dotted lines). (B) 1D RAD spectrum of AMY10 fibrils, obtained at 150.7 MHz 13C NMR frequency with MAS at 25.00 kHz and a 1000 ms exchange period after selective preparation of longitudinal spin polarization on Phe15 aromatic carbons. Assignments of aliphatic 13C NMR signals that arise from polarization transfer from the Phe15 aromatic carbons are shown. (C) 2D RAD spectrum of AMY08 fibrils, obtained at 150.7 MHz 13C NMR frequency with MAS at 18.00 kHz and a 500 ms exchange period. Arrows indicate crosspeaks between 13C NMR signals of Phe23 aromatic carbons and Gly24 Cα carbons (dashed lines) and Phe23 Cα and Cβ carbons (dotted lines). Short dotted arrows indicate crosspeaks that arise from MAS sidebands of Phe23 carbonyl signals. Contour levels in 2D plots increase by successive factors of 1.5.