Figure 3.
Cochlear nucleus projection to the Lateral Cortex in Rat.
A: Photomicrograph of TMR injection in the right dorsal cochlear nucleus of rat # 00-122. The BF at the center of the injection site was 30 kHz. B: BDA injection in the right anteroventral cochlear nucleus of the same animal. The BF at the injection site was 31 kHz. C: Transverse section through the left IC of the same animal, showing bands of labeled afferent fibers in the CNIC and the deep LC. The arrow and asterisk indicate lateral and central nucleus bands of afferents, respectively. The boxed area over the LC is shown at higher magnification in D: TMR- and BDA-labeled fibers appear as red and black. The boxed area is shown at higher magnification in the lower left, revealing labeled boutons. E: Contour plots of bouton fields in transverse sections of the left IC of the same animal, from caudal (upper left) to rostral (lower right). Section 10-13 corresponds to the section illustrated in C and D.