Figure 3.
Overnight incubation with GRO/KC does not affect decay time constants or activation of Na+ currents. A. Activation data for the TTX-R current was fit by a standard Boltzmann equation. No differences were found in the fit parameters between the 4 experimental groups (p = 0.22). The plotted line represents the best fit to all the data, and has a V1/2 value of -7.3 mV and a slope factor of 5.7. B. Time constants for the decay of TTX-R current were obtained by fitting single exponentials to the falling phase of currents evoked from a holding potential of -50 mV. No significant difference between the two groups was observed (two-way RM ANOVA). C. Time constants for the TTX-S current at were obtained by fitting the decaying phase of the current with the sum of two exponentials. The slower of these corresponded to the time constant observed in the TTX-R current, and the faster time constant was used as the value of the TTX-S decay time constant. No significant difference between the two groups was observed (Mann-Whitney test, p = 0.18). Data from IB4-positive and IB4-negative cells were combined as no difference between these groups in decay time constants was observed.