FIG. 2.
Effects of PFOA and PFDA on Oatp1a1, 1a4, and 1b2, as well as Ntcp protein expression in mouse livers. Adult male C57BL/6 WT mice (n = 5 per treatment) were given a single i.p. administration of control (propylene glycol:water; vol/vol, 1:1), PFOA (40 mg/kg), or PFDA (80 mg/kg). Two days after, mouse livers were collected. Total membrane protein was isolated from mouse livers. Two of five protein samples from each treatment were analyzed by Western blots. (a) Protein levels of Oatp1a1, 1a4, and 1b2, as well as Ntcp in mouse liver membranes were analyzed by Western blotting. (b) Protein levels of Oatp1a1, 1a4, and 1b2, as well as Ntcp in mouse liver membranes are expressed as ratio of each transporter to β-actin protein levels per 75 μg total membrane protein. Data are presented as mean ± SEM. Asterisks indicate statistically significant differences between control and PFOA or PFDA-treated male mice (p < 0.05).