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. 2006 Jun;15(Suppl 1):i5–i11. doi: 10.1136/tc.2005.015412

Table 5 Economic costs of smoking in China, 2000, among adults of age 35 and older. Unit: US$1000.

Type of costs Urban Rural Both areas Total
Male Female Subtotal Male Female Subtotal Male Female
Direct medical costs
 Inpatient 444692 66868 511561 135867 6983 142851 580560 73851 654411
 Outpatient 475395 117224 592619 277897 28432 306329 753292 145656 898949
 Self‐medication 88117 33617 121735 26435 4177 30612 114552 37794 152347
 Subtotal 1008205 217710 1225915 440199 39592 479792 1448404 257302 1705707
Indirect morbidity costs
 Transportation and caregivers 63690 14239 77929 41675 2860 44534 105365 17099 122464
 Absence from work 86023 11867 97889 153118 19555 172674 239141 31422 270563
 Subtotal 149713 26106 175819 194793 22415 217208 344506 48521 393027
Indirect mortality costs 752688 37719 790407 2063620 81466 2145086 2816308 119185 2935493
Total 1910606 281535 2192141 2698612 143473 2842085 4609218 425008 5034226

Exchange rate of the Chinese Yuan against US$  = 8.2784 based on China Statistical Yearbook, 2003, table 17‐2.

HHS Vulnerability Disclosure