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. 2006 Apr;15(2):e1. doi: 10.1136/tc.2005.012336

Table 2 Action programme for the promotion of non‐smoking, 1990: provisions as proposed versus enacted.

Topic/setting Provision as originally proposed35 (draft 1988) Provision as issued32 (1990)
Educational campaign Campaign promoting non‐smoking was to run from 1987–1995, administered by the Federal Health education authority Event festivals targeted at youth. Further target groups include health professionals, doctors, journalists, opinion leaders, teacher associations, labour unions, employer associations, etc
Youth access No access for underage youth as a mid‐term goal by way of “youth‐proof” vending outdoor machines and giving up of sales to children and youth. Legislative regulations by way of law for the protection of youth, if voluntary measures do not prove sufficient Voluntary measures, dialogue with the responsible associations (retailer, manufacturers of vending machines)
Protection of non‐smokers Generally: Generally:
All rooms that are shared by smokers and non‐smokers to become smoke‐free In implementing the EU resolution of May 1989 calling for smoke‐free policies in public buildings, precedence shall be given to voluntary measures and specific individual regulations such as house rules or administrative guidelines.
Amendment of the workplace ordinance of 1975 yielding an explicit protection of employees against exposure to tobacco smoke
Propagate smoke‐free policies in homes, schools, health sector, businesses and administration
Specific settings: Specific settings:
In governmental institutions with public access, smoking to be prohibited in waiting rooms. Smoking only allowed in separate areas In governmental institutions with public access, smoking prohibited in waiting rooms. As far as possible, smoking shall be allowed in separated rooms or areas
On public transportation, the proportion of non‐smoking seats shall be greater than the proportion of non‐smokers in the population On public transportation, seats shall be provided for non‐smokers according to the proportion of non‐smokers in the population
Health sector: In hospitals, smoking shall be prohibited for staff, patients and visitors in all rooms that are used by patients. In single rooms, smoking by staff is subject to personal decision (identical in both drafts) Health sector: In hospitals, smoking shall be prohibited for staff, patients and visitors in all rooms that are used by patients. In single rooms, smoking by staff is subject to personal decision
Talks with the hotel and restaurant association about recommendations to set up smokefree restaurants. In restaurants and cafes non‐smoking‐areas shall be provided at a ratio of 7:3 (in favour of non‐smokers). Restaurant‐law to be examined with view to whether a legislative frame is necessary. Talks with the hotel and restaurant association about recommendations to set up smoke‐free restaurants, in connection with measures that encourage mutual tolerance. In restaurants, adequate ventilation, non‐smoking areas or the like shall be pushed in order to minimise involuntary smoking of guests
No mention about the precision of the workplace ordinance besides the suggestion that a reference could be included in the workplace ordinance to organisational possibilities of the employer, e.g. the spatial separation of smokers and non‐smokers or the enactment of (graded) smoking bans
Schools/youth centres Smoke‐free policies for schools and youth centres, abolition of existing smoking rooms for pupils in schools Classroom health promotion and the exemplary development of non‐smoking zones in schools and youth centres. Voluntary measures to achieve smoke‐free schools, further regulations only if these do not work out
Cessation plans Further and more targeted cessation plans, especially for pregnant women, including provisions for the modification of tobacco products to make them less harmful Integration of cessation counselling into psychosocial counselling centres, development of special smoker counselling centres Pregnant women as special target group
Tobacco advertisements Stronger warning labels on tobacco products and on tobacco advertisementsFurther restrictions of tobacco advertisement, primarily by means of gradual elimination of tobacco advertising in the public space. If necessary, legislative measures in course of the EU harmonisation Voluntary measures have precedence over legislative restrictionsSuggestions:The Ministry of Health will discuss with the associations in the tobacco business about:(1) extension of the existing self‐regulations of tobacco advertising (restriction of advertising referring to youth, restriction of billboard advertising, especially around schools and youth centres)(2) renunciation of the joint advertisement for smoking/cigarettes in general(3) renunciation of give‐away cigarettes(4) renunciation of cigarette advertising in cinemas before films that are adult (over 18 years old) rated
Warning labels If necessary, legislative measures in the course of the EU harmonisation The Health Ministry intends to select warning labels which express the risk and danger of smoking. It however declines exaggerated phrases such as “smoking kills”
Tobacco tax, subventions Tobacco tax raises and efforts to further reduce the subventions on European level for the growing of tobacco None