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. 2006 Dec;15(6):472–480. doi: 10.1136/tc.2006.016246

Table 6 Relative risk* (95% CI) of death from all causes in reducers at the second examination who attended the third examination, by group at the third examination, with sustained heavy smokers as reference,in both sexes.

Reducers at second examination, group at third examination Sustained heavy smokers from second to the third examination
New quitters Sustained reducers Increasers
Relative risk 0.47 (0.21 to 1.04) 1.16 (0.73 to 1.85) 1.23 (0.90 to 1.69) 1.00
Participants (n = 271)† 37 69 165 3574
Number of deaths 6 18 42 818
Men (%) 86 75 70 72
Mean (SD) daily cigarette consumption
 First examination 21.8 (6.4) 23.6 (8.8) 20.6 (6.7) 18.0 (4.6)
 Second examination 9.1 (3.3) 10.0 (4.0) 9.2 (3.6) 17.5 (6.0)
 Third examination 0 10.4 (4.8) 17.2 (6.4) 18.3 (6.6)

*Adjusted for sex.

†Participants not reporting cardiovascular disease, diabetes or treatment for hypertension, or symptoms of angina pectoris or atherosclerosis obliterans. n = 271 aged 20–49 years at initial screening.