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. 2006 Aug 10;82(5):354–358. doi: 10.1136/sti.2006.020693

Table 3 Sexual related behaviours among boys who have exchanged sex and boys who have never exchanged sex.

Exchanged (n = 311) % Never exchanged (n = 6137) % Unadjusted odds ratio*† (95% CI)
Number of times exchanged sex
 Median 1
 Mode 1
 Range 1–834
Ever had sexual (vaginal) intercourse 58.6 41.7 1.98 (1.38 to 2.84)
Mean age at first sexual (vaginal) intercourse‡ (SE) 15.4 (0.20) 15.3 (0.09) 1.03 (0.92 to 1.15)
Mean lifetime number of sex partners (SE) 11.7 (2.68) 2.6 (0.19) 1.03 (1.01 to 1.05)
Ever had anal intercourse 12.0 6.0 2.13 (1.35 to 3.38)
Any sexual activity with another male 14.6 6.7 2.40 (1.52 to 3.79)
Ever had romantic attraction to another male 26.2 9.7 3.30 (2.25 to 4.83)
Ever physically forced someone to have sex 10.1 1.6 6.96 (3.87 to 12.50)
Ever been told by doctor or nurse that you have HIV or other STI 15.0 2.3 7.51 (4.63 to 12.20)

CI, confidence interval; SE, standard error.

*Except for the continuous variables, all correlates are dichotomous and the reference groups for odds ratios are the “0” or “no” categories.

†Odds ratios in which p<0.05 are shown in bold.

‡Among males who reported having ever had vaginal intercourse.