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. 2006 Dec;82(Suppl 5):v7–v12. doi: 10.1136/sti.2006.022707

Table 6 Test reproducibility.

Determine Syphilis TP Abbott Labs Syphilis Fast Diesse Diagnostica Espline TP Fujirebio Inc Syphicheck‐WB Qualpro Diagnostics SD Bioline Syphilis 3.0 Standard Diagnostics Visitect Syphilis Omega Diagnostics
Lot‐to‐lot variation* 1/50 4/50 3/50 0/50 3/50 1/50
Day‐to‐day variation† 0/45 3/45 1/45 1/45 0/45 3/45
Operator‐to‐operator at reference labs‡ 1/40 0/40 0/40 3/40 1/40 4/40
Operator‐to‐operator at sites 4/789 20/789 0/789 6/789 0/789 5/789

Values given as number of discordant results/total number of tests performed.

*Two lots of rapid tests performed using the same 25 sera.

†Nine sera tested on 5 days.

‡Ten sera run by 2 operators at each of 2 reference laboratories.