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. 2006 May;23(5):341–344. doi: 10.1136/emj.2005.028589

Table 2 Logistic regression analysis results of parameters to detect urinary stone.

Variable LRC Wald SD p* OR 95 % CI
Radiation of pain 0.751 4.469 1 0.035 2.119 1.056 to 4.251
History of stone 1.011 7.583 1 0.006 2.748 1.338 to 5.643
Nausea 0.844 5.783 1 0.016 2.326 1.169 to 4.629
Costovertebral angle tenderness 0.725 3.050 1 0.081 2.065 0.915 to 4.660
No suprapubic tenderness −0.766 3.676 1 0.055 0.465 0.212 to 1.017
Bedside US positive 0.781 4.289 1 0.038 2.184 1.043 to 4.573
Constant −2.640 7.735 1 0.005 0.71

LRC, logistic regression coefficient; Wald, value for Wald statistics. *p value for Wald statistics.