Figure 5.
Cdc13p levels in the cdr2 null. (A) Overexpression of cdc13+ in the cdr2 null. A cdr2 null leu1-32 strain was transformed with either empty pREP1 vector (left panel), pREP1cdr2+ (middle panel), or pREP1cdc13+ (right panel). Transformants were selected and grown to midlog in selective medium. Transformants were then collected, filtered, washed, and released into selective medium lacking nitrogen for 48 h. Micrographs were taken just before nitrogen deprivation (top panels; +nitrogen) and after 48 h (bottom panels; −nitrogen). (B) Detection of endogenous Cdc13p during nitrogen deprivation. Cell samples acquired from the experiment described in Figure 4 were analyzed for Cdc13p levels at 30-min intervals for 3 h. Cdc2p served as a loading control.