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. 2006 Apr 12;43(8):691–698. doi: 10.1136/jmg.2006.041376

Table 3 Overrepresentation of heterogeneous disease genes in HPRD protein interaction set (χ2test).

Number of proteins in interaction set Subset also in disease protein set Subset also in disease protein set (percentage) χ2 Test p Value
HPRD set (literature based) 6005 678 11.29% 550.2098 <2.2e‐16
Human Y2H set (high throughput) 2686 146 5.44% 4.845 0.03
Fly set (high throughput) 4706 276 5.86% 18.109 2.1e‐5
Worm set (high throughput) 1933 101 5.23% 2.086 0.15
Yeast set (high throughput) 2455 141 5.74% 7.838 0.005
Reference set – all human protein coding genes in Ensembl
Total In disease set Percentage
Ensembl known genes 22242 1003 4.51%

The disease gene enrichment in HPRD is highly significantly higher than in the high throughput sets (p<1e‐13 after Bonferroni correction for every case).