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. 2008 Oct 15;3(10):e3301. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0003301

Table 1. Monoamine neurotransmitters and their metabolite levels (mean±S.E.M., pmol/g tissue) in different brain regions.

Brain Regions Ctx Th Ob Cb Hipp Bs St
5-HT WT 756±94 1100±71.2 293±42.1 103±16.8 506±54.3 702±96 517±64.6
TPH2KO 62.4±7.1* (93.1%) 36.2±2.4* (96.7%) 22.6±1.94* (92.7%) 37.7±7.96* (67.5%) 19.4±3.46* (96.2%) 97.6±20* (94.8%) 15.8±1.25* (96.9%)
DKO 6.52±2* (99.2%) 18.6±2.8* (98.3%) 4.98±2.50* (98.4%) 6.45±3.95* (94.4%) 8.01±3.5* (98.4%) 10.3±2.2* (98.6%) 8.65±1.26* (98.3%)
5-HIAA WT 507±75.7 1398±234 373±78 205±31.5 724±126 818±119 535±102
TPH2KO 21.4±3.4* (95.8%) 19.1±2.4* (98.6%) 29.5±5.9* (92.1%) 29.9±6.31* (85.4%) 13.1±1.61* (98.2%) 24.7±2.1* (98.1%) 9.4±1.2* (99.0%)
DKO 9.35±3.35* (98.1%) 9.27±3.7* (99.3%) 4.95±1.75* (98.7%) 2.22±1.02* (98.9%) 4.87±1.58* (99.3%) 4.3±1.5* (99.5%) 3.6±1.04* (99.3%)
NE WT 744±64 1761±142 1512±189 907±117 1530±89 1512±99 661±113
TPH2KO 733±76 1352±115 1483±195 921±123 1459±157 1542±203 938±148
DKO 618±58 1540±300 831±86 543±83 1540±268 1248±106 215±27
NM WT 169±43 119±15 261±26 211±22 133±15 57±11 210±145
TPH2KO 69±16 78±14 279±18 205±24 166±22 87±18 n/a
DKO 224±37 153±23 406±0 # 296±58 218±25* 55±21 231±162
DA WT 2292±351 838±118 607±77 121±34 211±104 219±38 24961±2616
TPH2KO 2529±271 492±37 507±90 93±40 67±21 134±15 24890±1115
DKO 1640±135 2168±689*†† 789±135 179±69 108±15 181±46 n/a
DOPAC WT 1442±134 951±107 1076±213 230±38 244±48 376±52 6341±848
TPH2KO 1683±142 998±120 1399±279 211±31 267±47 525±97 8196±833
DKO 1062±160 1020±121 379±98 161±36 159±27 238±43 3886±546
HVA WT 650±74 532±79 387±70 60±6 94±11 164±19 2584±340
TPH2KO 591±93 365±47 289±55 57±8 87±18 135±10 2194±350
DKO 958±180 985±52*†† 662±133 68±11 145±13 212±17 3864±355

5-HT = 5-hydroxytryptophan (serotonin); 5-HIAA = 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid; NE = norepinephrine; NM = normetanephrine; DA = dopamine; DOPAC = 3,4-dihydroxyphenylacetic acid; HVA = homovanillic acid. Brain regions examined: cortex (Ctx), thalamus/hypothalamus (Th), olfactory bulb (Ob), cerebellum (Cb), hippocampus (Hipp), brainstem (Bs), striatum (St). Figures in parentheses are percentages of reduction compared to WT controls. The numbers of animals used for the assays n = 16 for WT, n = 12 for TPH2KO, and n = 5 for DKO (all mice were males). 5-HT and 5-HIAA levels in all tissues from TPH2KO and DKO were significantly lower than those in WT (all p values<0.001 using one-way ANOVA with Tukey's post-hoc test). * - p<0.05 compared to WT (Tukey's post-hoc test).

- p<0.05, †† -p<0.01 TPH1/TPH2 DKO compared to TPH2KO (Tukey's post-hoc test).

# - only one sample available due to signal loss (background noise).