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. 2008 Oct 31;4(10):e1000207. doi: 10.1371/journal.pcbi.1000207

Figure 10. Flux-based polarization model of the root meristem.

Figure 10

Flux-based polarization hypothesis is compatible with the maintenance of an auxin maximum and with the general organization of PIN at the root tip. (A) shows the existence of a stable auxin maximum at the root tip as evidenced by the DR5:GFP marker (Ottenschlager 2003; Grieneisen 2007). At the shoot apex, the general organization of the different PIN transporters in the different tissues suggests a flux going downward via the vascular tissues and than spreading out over superficial layers “like a fountain” (B). (C) shows a digitized root apex based on a real optical section from an Arabidopsis root (not shown, image taken by Tom Beeckman). Similarly to PIN maps at the shoot apex, the polarity of PIN was recorded in each cell. This PIN map was used as an initial condition for the simulation. The cellular system was provided with a fixed global quantity of auxin initially divided equally over the tissue. In addition, two border cells of the epidermis were chosen as auxin sinks, to comply with the biological assumption that a fraction of auxin is evacuated from the root tip along the epidermis (Swarup 2005). Auxin arriving in these sink cells is completely depleted at each simulation step. In addition, a permanent auxin source was added on the border of the central vascular system providing auxin in a constant fashion, in accordance to biological auxin source localization in the vascular bundle. Simulations revealed that transporter dynamics based on flux-based polarization are sufficient to enable and maintain auxin accumulation in the collumella and quiescent centre (C), as observed in (A). Additionally, realistic transporter distribution profile was maintained by the flux-based polarization mechanism.