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. 2008 May 14;2(5):e238. doi: 10.1371/journal.pntd.0000238

Table 3. Progressive changes in haematology indices of vervet monkeys infected with T.b. rhodesiense cloned strains through cyclic (tsetse; Glossina pallidipes) transmission.

Parameters T.b. rhodesiense KETRI 3741 T.b. rhodesiense KETRI 3801 T.b. rhodesiense. KETRI 3804 T.b.rhodesiense KETRI 3928
a476F a515M a536M a523F a579M a556F a574M a554F a555M
Red blood cells (countsx106/µl): pre-infection level 5.21 5.71 6.35 6.16 6.28 5.48 6.51 5.39 7.34
Red blood cells: % reduction at 32dpi 23.4 25.7 53.5 48.9 44.4 29.7 26.7 21.3 24.8
Red blood cells: % reduction at extremis 55.9 15.4 53.5 49.0 71.4 52.2 13.2 57.9
Haematocrit (%): pre-infection level 40.6 46.6 51.4 48.3 48.3 40.2 52.1 41.7 57.2
Haematocrit (%): % reduction at 32 dpi 33.3 33.3 59.5 47.8 45.8 30.3 35.1 26.9 32.9
Haematocrit (%): % reduction at extremis 56.2 31.1 55.1 50.0 68.7 59.9 24.5 63.1
Haemoglobin (g/dl): Pre-infection level 12.2 14.3 16.4 14.2 14.2 11.8 15.2 12.1 16.9
Haemoglobin: % reduction at 32 dpi 25.4 31.5 57.3 45.8 45.1 30.5 34.9 24.8 32.0
Haemoglobin: % reduction at extremis 58.2 21.7 57.9 47.9 67.8 59.2 17.4 62.1
Mean corpuscular volume (fl): Pre-infection level 77.8 81.6 80.9 78.4 76.8 73.5 79.9 77.4 77.9
Mean corpuscular volume: % change at 32 dpi −12.6 −9.9 −12.6 +2.0 −2.5 −1.1 −11.1 −6.8 −0.7
Mean corpuscular volume: % change at extremis −0.9 −11.3 +1.1 −1.6 +9.5 −15.6 −12.9 −12.5
Mean corpuscular haemoglobin (pg): Pre-infection level 23.4 25.1 25.6 23.1 22.6 21.6 23.3 22.4 23.1
Mean corpuscular haemoglobin: % change at 32 dpi −3.0 −8.0 −7.8 +6.5 −0.4 −1.4 −10.3 −4.0 −10.0
Mean corpuscular haemoglobin: % change at extremis −5.6 −7.6 −5.8 +2.7 +13.0 −13.7 −4.9 −9.5
Red cell distribution width (%): pre-infection level 13.4 13.7 11.8 14.8 13.6 13.5 11.9 12.4 12.6
Red cell distribution width: % increase at 32 dpi 29.9 56.9 61.9 17.6 61.0 57.0 46.2 46.8 34.9
Red cell distribution width: % increase at extremis 56.7 36.5 57.6 77.9 79.3 68.9 93.5 50.0
Platelets (counts/µl): Pre-infection level 461 281 307 330 331 457 266 374 341
Platelets: % reduction at 32 dpi 38.8 7.7 71.7 99.1 77.6 78.1 68.8 53.5 76.2
Platelets: % reduction at extremis 76.4 30.0 78.5 82.8 98.0 89.1 97.9 94.4
Mean platelet volume (fl): pre-infection values 7 6.3 6.9 7 7.7 7.6 6.7 7.3 6.3
Mean platelet volume: % increase at 32 dpi 17.1 23.8 50.7 87.4 53.2 NDA 55.3 17.1 54
Mean platelet volume : % increase at extremis 45.7 47.6 60.9 49.4 55.3 NDA 41.1 85.7

Key: dpi = days post infection; T.b.r. = Trypanosoma brucei rhodesiense; a = Laboratory number of monkey; F = Female; M = Male; O = observed; NO = Not observed; fl = femtolitres; pg = picograms; g/dl = grams per decilitre; − = decreased; + = increased; NDA = No data available.