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. 2006 Oct;15(5):347–353. doi: 10.1136/qshc.2005.016584

Table 1 Teamwork factors and % responses to items.

Disagree strongly* Disagree slightly* Neutral* Agree slightly* Agree strongly* Not applicable†
Teamwork factor 1: Input into decisions and collaboration with other staff (Cronbach's α = 0.84)
Nurse input is well received where I work. 1 3 6 23 66 4
Decision making where I work uses input from relevant staff 3 4 9 29 54 2
The doctors and nurses here work together as a well coordinated team 3 8 9 33 47 4
Disagreements where I work are resolved appropriately (i.e. not who is right, but what is best for the patient) 4 7 16 35 38 2
It is easy for staff here to ask questions when there is something that they do not understand 1 3 5 24 67 1
I have the support I need from other staff to care for patients 1 5 5 27 62 1
I am satisfied with the quality of collaboration that I experience with senior doctors where I work 5 9 12 35 40 11
Teamwork factor 2: Information handover (Cronbach's α = 0.69)
I know the first and last names of all the staff I worked with during my last shift/period of work 4 5 3 14 74 3
Important issues are well communicated at shift changes/between periods of work 3 7 11 37 42 11
Briefings are common where I work 4 7 13 34 41 8
I am satisfied with the quality of collaboration that I experience with nurses where I work 2 4 5 32 57 4

*Percentage of valid responses (not including “not applicable”) from direct patient care staff.

†Percentage of total responses from direct patient care staff.