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. 2006 Oct;15(5):347–353. doi: 10.1136/qshc.2005.016584

Table 2 Safety climate factors and % responses to items.

Disagree strongly* Disagree slightly* Neutral* Agree slightly* Agree strongly* Not applicable†
Safety climate factor 1: Attitudes to safety within own team; capacity to learn from errors (Cronbach's α = 0.73)
I am encouraged by my colleagues to report any patient safety concerns I may have 1 4 7 28 60 1
The culture where I work makes it easy to learn from the errors of others 4 7 21 35 32 3
I receive appropriate feedback about my performance 8 13 17 34 28 1
Medical errors are handled appropriately here 1 4 18 27 50 5
I know the proper channels to which I should direct questions regarding patient safety 1 4 6 30 59 1
Safety climate factor 2: Overall confidence in safety of organisation (Cronbach's α = 0.70)
The levels of staffing where I work are sufficient to handle the number of patients 22 23 11 25 19 2
I would feel safe being treated as a patient in this service 5 10 11 27 47 1
Management does not knowingly compromise the safety of patients 6 6 14 22 51 2
Safety climate factor 3: Perceptions of management's attitudes to safety (Cronbach's α = 0.78)
This organisation is doing more for patient safety now than it did one year ago 4 5 36 28 27 5
Leadership is driving us to be a safety centred organisation 4 7 32 34 23 3
My suggestions about safety would be acted upon if I expressed them to management 5 6 16 38 35 2

*Percentage of valid responses (not including “not applicable”) from direct patient care staff.

†Percentage of total responses from direct patient care staff.