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. 2006 Feb;60(2):116–122. doi: 10.1136/jech.2005.038281

Table 5 Fixed and random part coefficient estimates from the multilevel logistic models (outcome of fair/poor health).

Model 1 Model 2A Model 2B Model 2C Model 3 Model 4 Model 6
Fixed parameters
Constant −3.398 −3.394 −3.397 −3.397 −3.382 −2.840 −3.401
Individual level independent variables
 Age (centred around 45) 0.023 (0.001)* 0.023 (0.001)* 0.023 (0.001)* 0.023 (0.001)* 0.023 (0.001)* 0.027 (0.002)* 0.023 (0.001)*
 Female −0.011 (0.043)* −0.011 (0.043) −0.012 (0.043) −0.010 (0.043) −0.010 (0.043) 0.018 (0.043) −0.009 (0.043)
  Black 0.256 (0.061)* 0.249 (0.060)* 0.256 (0.061)* 0.248 (0.060)* 0.248 (0.060)* 0.048 (0.062) 0.296 (0.063)*
  Asian 0.333 (0.148)* 0.299 (0.148)* 0.330 (0.149)* 0.304 (0.148)* 0.326 (0.149)* 0.225 (0.149) 0.267 (0.226)
  Native 0.614 (0.153)* 0.611 (0.152)* 0.614 (0.152)* 0.610 (0.152)* 0.608 (0.152)* 0.434 (0.167)* 0.593 (0.164)*
  Other 0.399 (0.081)* 0.376 (0.081)* 0.397 (0.081)* 0.375 (0.081)* 0.381 (0.081)* 0.219 (0.085)* 0.486 (0.088)*
 Marital status
  Single 0.220 (0.060)* 0.217 (0.060)* 0.218 (0.060)* 0.222 (0.060)* 0.225 (0.060)* 0.199 (0.060)* 0.218 (0.060)*
  Widowed −0.021 (0.074) −0.017 (0.074) −0.021 (0.074) −0.016 (0.074) −0.016 (0.074) −0.024 (0.074) −0.013 (0.074)
  Divorced 0.167 (0.062)* 0.163 (0.062)* 0.166 (0.062)* 0.166 (0.062)* 0.166 (0.062)* 0.123 (0.062) 0.160 (0.062)*
  Separated 0.547 (0.102)* 0.533 (0.102)* 0.546 (0.102)* 0.534 (0.102)* 0.534 (0.101)* 0.476 (0.102)* 0.533 (0.102)*
 Educational attainment
  ⩾High school 0.879 (0.059)* 0.874 (0.059)* 0.880 (0.059)* 0.868 (0.059)* 0.867 (0.059)* 0.737 (0.061)* 0.866 (0.059)*
  Some college 0.506 (0.060)* 0.504 (0.060)* 0.507 (0.060)* 0.501 (0.060)* 0.501 (0.060)* 0.418 (0.061)* 0.498 (0.060)*
 Annual household income ($)
  <20000 1.370 (0.109)* 1.378 (0.109)* 1.371 (0.109)* 1.379 (0.109)* 1.377 (0.109)* 1.277 (0.110)* 1.385 (0.109)*
  20000–29999 0.833 (0.111)* 0.839 (0.111)* 0.833 (0.111)* 0.841 (0.111)* 0.841 (0.111)* 0.755 (0.111)* 0.850 (0.111)*
  30000–49999 0.494 (0.107)* 0.501 (0.107)* 0.494 (0.107)* 0.501 (0.107)* 0.499 (0.107)* 0.447 (0.107)* 0.510 (0.107)*
  50000–74999 0.233 (0.113)* 0.240 (0.112)* 0.234 (0.113)* 0.239 (0.112)* 0.237 (0.112)* 0.208 (0.113) 0.245 (0.112)*
  75000–99999 0.212 (0.127) 0.213 (0.127) 0.213 (0.127) 0.213 (0.127) 0.211 (0.127) 0.187 (0.128) 0.217 (0.127)
  Unspecified/missing 0.688 (0.110)* 0.695 (0.110)* 0.688 (0.110)* 0.694 (0.110)* 0.691 (0.110)* 0.605 (0.111)* 0.700 (0.110)*
 Social capital
  Formal bonding
   High −0.267 (0.073)*
   Missing 0.039 (0.055)
  Trust own race/ethnicity
   High −0.128 (0.054)*
   Missing 0.020 (0.074)
  Formal bridging
   High 0.065 (0.103)
   Missing 0.000 (0.000)
  Informal bridging
   High −0.009 (0.044)
   Missing −0.170 (0.172)
  Social trust
   High −0.615 (0.048)*
Community level independent variables
 Bonding social capital −0.127 (0.032)* −0.151 (0.035)* −0.139 (0.036)* −0.101 (0.036)* −0.196 (0.039)*
 Bridging social capital 0.021 (0.041) −0.053 (0.039) −0.051 (0.039) −0.043 (0.039) −0.070 (0.043)
 % Income<$20000† 0.014 (0.007) 0.004 (0.006)* 0.015 (0.008) −0.001 (0.007) 0.000 (0.007) 0.001 (0.007) 0.000 (0.007)
 Mean age −0.003 (0.013) 0.031 (0.013)* 0.002 (0.016) 0.025 (0.014) 0.023 (0.001) 0.028 (0.014) 0.022 (0.014)
 State community 0.020 (0.082) 0.028 (0.062) 0.013 (0.083) 0.048 (0.062) 0.032 (0.063) 0.050 (0.063) 0.049 (0.062)
  Bonding social capital × bridging social capital 0.027 (0.018)
  Bonding social capital × Black race 0.296 (0.107)*
  Bonding social capital × Asian race −0.190 (0.224)
  Bonding social capital × Native race −0.020 (0.216)
  Bonding social capital × Other race 0.248 (0.101)*
  Bridging social capital × Black race 0.153 (0.096)
  Bridging social capital × Asian race −0.179 (0.226)
  Bridging social capital × Native race −0.044 (0.241)
  Bridging social capital × Other race −0.035 (0.110)
Random parameters
 Level 2, between communities (σ2μ0) 0.010 (0.006) 0.001 (0.004) 0.009 (0.006) 0.000 (0.003) 0.000 (0.000) 0.000 (0.000) 0.000 (0.000)

Coefficient estimates from models 5, 7, and 8 are not shown. Figures in parentheses are the estimated standard errors. All models were based on 24835 persons at level 1 nested within 40 communities at level 2. *Significant at a level of 0.05. †% Education⩽high school (among those age⩾25) was also entered into model 2C in lieu of the variable % Income<$20000, with similar coefficient estimates being observed for community bonding and community bridging social capital (data not shown).

HHS Vulnerability Disclosure