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. 2008 Aug 15;190(20):6779–6794. doi: 10.1128/JB.00661-08


Putative virulence-associated functions encoded on the large resistance plasmid pSMS35_130 and in genomic islands of the SMS-3-5 chromosome

Namea CDS Location Function Gene(s) Distributionb Best hitc
hlyF EcSMS35_A0098 pSMS Hemolysin gene from avian E. coli isolate (56) hlyF APEC O1 (pAPEC-O1-ColBM) P1658/97 (plasmid)
ompT EcSMS35_A0099 pSMS Outer membrane protease gene (72) ompT APEC O1 (pAPEC-O1-ColBM) pAPEC-O2-ColV (plasmid)
colB′ EcSMS35_A0106-A0107 pSMS Colicin-B biosynthesis and immunity proteins (75, 76) cba′, cbid APEC O1 (pAPEC-O1-ColBM) pAPEC-O1-ColBM (plasmid)
colM EcSMS35_A0111-A0112 pSMS Colicin-M biosynthesis and immunity proteins (44, 62) cma, cmi APEC O1 (pAPEC-O1-ColBM) pAPEC-O1-ColBM (plasmid)
Col EcSMS35_0116-0121 Chre Uropathogen-specific colicin biosynthesis and immunity proteins UPEC, APEC O1 UTI89
Flag-2 EcSMS35_0241-0284 Chr Lateral flagellar operon (69) lafABCDEFKSTUVWZ, lfgABCDEFGHIJKLMN, lfhAB, lfiEFGHIJMNPQR E. coli O42
sit-sitABCD EcSMS35_3170-3173 (chromosome) pSMS/Chr Iron/manganese transport system sitABCD APEC O1 (pAPEC-O1-ColBM) pAPEC-O2-ColV (plasmid)
EcSMS35_A0081-A0084 (pSMS35)     gene clusters (73)
iut/iuc EcSMS35_3178-3182 Chr Aerobactin biosynthesis and transport system gene cluster (22) iucABCD, iutA APEC O1 (pAPEC-O1-ColBM) pAPEC-O1-ColBM (plasmid)
kps EcSMS35_3219-3235 Chr Polysialic acid capsule biosynthesis operon (3) kpsCDEFMTUS, neuABCDES APEC O1, UPEC UTI89
gsp EcSMS35_3238-3248 Chr General secretion pathway operon gspCDEFGHIJKLM APEC O1, UTI89, 536 UTI89
TTS EcSMS35_4018-4024 Chr Putative type III secretion system, chaperone and effector components Shigella dysenteriae Sd197 (20%)f
HRA-1 EcSMS35_4755 Chr Heat-resistant agglutinin 1 (51) UTI89, CFT073 E. coli O9:H10:K99
GimA EcSMS35_4856-4869 Chr Cell invasion and carbon metabolism (35) ibeRAT, cglDECT, gcxCIKR, ptnCKE APEC O1, UTI89 E. coli A0 34/86
Fim1 EcSMS35_0146-52 Chr Putative fimbrial biosynthesis operons (K12, APEC, UPEC)g
Fim2 EcSMS35_0575--80 K12, EHEC Sakai
Fim3 EcSMS35_2175-85 K12, O157:H7 Sakai
Fim4 EcSMS35_2491-97 Shigella sonnei Ss046 (50%)
Fim5 EcSMS35_2509-13 CFT073 CFT073
Fim6 EcSMS35_3921-29
Fim7 EcSMS35_4093-96 Shigella flexneri 5b 8401
LPS1 EcSMS35_1020-28
LPS2 EcSMS35_2255-68 Chr Putative lipopolysaccharide biosynthesis operons
LPS3 EcSMS35_3959-67 UPEC, APEC O1 536

As shown in Fig. 2 and 3.


Among completed E. coli strains (K-12, EDL933, Sakai, APEC O1, UTI89, CFT073, and 536) or pathotypes (UPEC, UTI89, CFT073, and 536; EHEC, EDL933 and Sakai).


According to nucleotide sequence BLAST comparison with NCBI nr database.


Truncated genes.


Chr, chromosome.


Percentage of query region covered by best hit.


Gene cluster with weak similarity present in non-EHEC strains.