FIG. 4.
Effect of SeV infection on dsRNA-activated or NDV-mediated phosphorylation of PKR and eIF2α. (A) U118 cells were mock infected or infected with wt SeV. At 20 h later, the cells were treated with increasing amounts of poly(I):poly(C) for 5 h. (B) U118 cells were mock infected or infected with SeV pB. At 26 h later, the cells were mock superinfected or superinfected with NDV. At 22 h after superinfection, the cells were harvested. (C) U118 cells were mock infected or infected with 4C(−), SeV pB, or a combination of 4C(−) and SeV pB. At 30 h p.i., the cells were harvested. (A to C) Proteins (10 μg) were analyzed by Western blotting with anti-p-PKR (T446), anti-PKR, anti-p-eIF2α (S51), or anti-eIF2α antibody, or anti-SeV, anti-NDV, or anti-C serum.