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. 2008;123(Suppl 3):126–135. doi: 10.1177/00333549081230S315

Table 1. Description of PCRS models and participation by site, Rapid HIV Testing to Improve PCRS Project, April 2004–June 2006.

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aAt this site, the HD disease intervention specialist provided PCRS if requested by the index client.

bWhen data from Los Angeles are limited to index clients interviewed within three months of HIV diagnosis, 77 index clients were interviewed, 40 (52%) of whom provided partner information. From these index clients, 48 partners were elicited; 47 were not known to be HIV-infected, 30 of whom (64%) were tested.

cWhen data from San Francisco are limited to index clients interviewed within three months of HIV diagnosis, three index clients were interviewed, all of whom provided partner information. Nine partners were elicited, of whom three (33%) partners were tested.

dMethods for identifying index clients varied by site. Colorado, Louisiana, and Wisconsin included people identified by surveillance and testing programs; Chicago included people testing positive at CBOs and sexually transmitted disease clinics; Los Angeles included people identified through testing programs and comprehensives services for HIV-infected individuals at CBOs; and San Francisco included people responding to materials marketed to HIV-infected individuals.

eIncludes partners who were not known to disease intervention specialists, CBO staff, or PCRS liaisons to be HIV-infected, who had not been tested for HIV since the index client's diagnosis, and whose cases had been assigned for notification of exposure to HIV.

fIncludes partners who were informed of possible exposure to HIV.

gOf all partners tested, 451 people received a rapid HIV test, and 12 received a conventional enzyme immunoassay test.

PCRS = partner counseling and referral services

HIV = human immunodeficiency virus

CBO = community-based organization

HD = health department