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. 2008 Oct 29;3(10):e3502. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0003502

Figure 3. Activity positively correlated with multisensory integration.

Figure 3

A: RT measures; B: % error measures. Clusters of activation show brain areas in which the BOLD response significantly covaried with the magnitude of multisensory integration across participants, overlaid on a standard brain in MNI space. The example data plots show the mean percentage signal change, per condition and participant, of the indicated peak and 5–20 neighboring voxels as compared to baseline (y-axis) against the magnitude of multisensory integration derived from behavioural measurements (x-axis). For display purposes, data were pooled for the left hand (blue circles) and the right hand (red triangles). MSI: multisensory integration. The threshold was set at Z≥2.33, p≤.01 for RT, and Z≥3.09, p≤.001 for errors, for display purposes only.