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. 2008 Oct 29;3(10):e3502. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0003502

Figure 4. Z-statistic distributions for the main effects, simple effects, and interactions.

Figure 4

These plots show only those voxels in which the BOLD response covaried significantly positively or negatively with the behavioural measures of multisensory integration. Boxes: 10–90% ranges. Whiskers: 0–100% ranges. A: Positive correlation with reaction times. B: Positive correlation with % errors. C: Negative correlation with % errors. Each voxel contributes 9 data points, one to each of 3 pairs of contrasts along the category (x-) axis for each of the three panels. T: main effect of tool tip position. V: main effect of visual distractor position. H: main effect of hand used. TxV(+): Voxels with a positive Z-statistic for the tool tip position x visual distractor position interaction. TxV(−): Voxels with negative Z-statistic for this interaction. HxVxT(L>R): Voxels with larger Z-statistic for the TxV interaction when using the left hand than the right hand. HxVxT(R>L): Voxels with larger Z-statistic for the TxV interaction when using the right hand than the left hand. L>R: Main effect of visual distractor position (left side>right side). R>L: Main effect of visual distractor position (right side>left side). Horizontal lines: Statistical threshold (Z≥2.33, p≤.01, voxelwise uncorrected) used in the contrasts.