Figure 4. Z-statistic distributions for the main effects, simple effects, and interactions.
These plots show only those voxels in which the BOLD response covaried significantly positively or negatively with the behavioural measures of multisensory integration. Boxes: 10–90% ranges. Whiskers: 0–100% ranges. A: Positive correlation with reaction times. B: Positive correlation with % errors. C: Negative correlation with % errors. Each voxel contributes 9 data points, one to each of 3 pairs of contrasts along the category (x-) axis for each of the three panels. T: main effect of tool tip position. V: main effect of visual distractor position. H: main effect of hand used. TxV(+): Voxels with a positive Z-statistic for the tool tip position x visual distractor position interaction. TxV(−): Voxels with negative Z-statistic for this interaction. HxVxT(L>R): Voxels with larger Z-statistic for the TxV interaction when using the left hand than the right hand. HxVxT(R>L): Voxels with larger Z-statistic for the TxV interaction when using the right hand than the left hand. L>R: Main effect of visual distractor position (left side>right side). R>L: Main effect of visual distractor position (right side>left side). Horizontal lines: Statistical threshold (Z≥2.33, p≤.01, voxelwise uncorrected) used in the contrasts.