Table 2.
Marine vertebrate material associated with Mousterian industry at Vanguard Cave
Taxon | Anatomical element | Age | Episode | Label |
Delphinus delphis | IV metacarpal Pectoral flipper | Adult | Top | VAN 96 (12) |
Delphinus delphis | Lower thoracic vertebra Epiphysial union | Immature | Top | VAN 96 (25) |
Family Delphinidae | Proximal ulna | Indet. | Top | VAN 96 (201) |
Tursiops truncatus | Vertebra section of vertebral body and fused epiphysis | Immature | Top | VAN 98 (128) |
Monachus monachus | Left hemimandible intact dentition | Immature | Top | VAN 98 (1111) |
Monachus monachus | Proximal hind limb phalanx (human damage) | Adult | Middle | VAN 96 (411) |
Monachus monachus | Right premolar | Immature | Middle | VAN 97 (388b) |
Monachus monachus | Complete scapula (human damage) | Immature | Bottom | VAN 98 (564) |
Diplodus sargus/vulgaris | Part of left dentary of the edible sea bream | Indet. | Middle | VAN 96 (381/390) |