Association of FLT1 genotype with pregnancy outcome. (A) Rates of reported prior pregnancy loss of women stratified by parity and maternal genotype. P1, nulliparous pregnancy; P≥3, multiparous pregnancy. (B) Rates of LBW delivery for first-time mothers stratified by newborn genotype and PM status. (C) Maternal peripheral plasma sFlt1 levels of first-time mothers stratified by newborn genotype and PM status. (D–F) Placental transcript levels of inflammatory genes in first-time mothers stratified by newborn genotype and PM status. Transcript levels are shown as fold change relative to cytokeratin 7. P values calculated by χ2 test for categoric variables and t test for log-transformed sFlt1 levels and corrected cycle threshold (CT) values. *, P < 0.08; *, P < 0.05; ***, P < 0.01.