NCAM is upregulated in E-cadherin-negative tumours. (A) Serial histological sections from breast tumours of K14-Cre;Trp53F/F mice expressing E-cadherin (Ecad F/+) or deficient in E-cadherin expression (Ecad F/F) were stained with antibodies against E-cadherin (a, c) and NCAM (b, d–f). NCAM is absent in E-cadherin-expressing tumour cells (a, b). In contrast, NCAM is expressed in tumours that have lost E-cadherin expression (c, d). NCAM is predominantly expressed on the invasive front of E-cadherin-negative tumours at the interphase between tumour cells and myocytes (e) or adipocytes of the skin (f). Disseminated tumour cells in the stroma (indicated by arrows in e) also display strong NCAM staining. Inserts represent higher magnifications of the respective sections. Size bars=100 μm. (B) Serial histological sections from a human patient neuroendocrine carcinoid were stained with antibodies against E-cadherin (a–d) and NCAM (e, f). NCAM is not expressed in E-cadherin-positive, differentiated cancer cells, whereas NCAM is expressed in invasive cancer cells with reduced E-cadherin expression. Morphological structures are marked for orientation. Size bars=200 μm.