(A) Simulation systems. Simulation system with a K+ ion solvated by water. To mimic the effect of a nonpolar membrane region, the water molecules are prevented to enter between −10 and +10 Å using a half-harmonic potential. (B) Simulation system with a 41-residue fragment of the voltage sensor of the KvAP channel, starting from Pro99 (near the center of the S3 helix, shown in red) to Ser139 (near the C-terminus of the S4 helix, shown in blue). To mimic the effect of a nonpolar membrane region, the water molecules are prevented to enter between −10 and +10 Å using a half-harmonic potential. The structure of the S3-S4 segment is directly taken from the x-ray structure of the voltage sensor (PDB id 1ORS). The important charged residues are displayed as sticks and the position of their center of charge are (z = 0 is at the center of the membrane): Glu107 (10.8 Å), Arg117 (14.1 Å), Arg120 (9.7 Å), Arg123 (10.0 Å), Arg126 (4.4 Å), Arg133 (−4.2 Å), and Lys136 (−12.7 Å).