Docking of x-ray crystal structure of natrin into cryo-EM density map of RyR1 + natrin complex. Atomic coordinates of natrin molecule (Protein Data Bank code 2GIZ) were manually fitted into our cryo-EM density map of RyR1 + natrin complex, using the program O. (A) Tilted view of RyR1 + natrin complex with one natrin molecule docked in natrin-binding site of one subunit in RyR1 homo-tetramer. (B) A zoom view of clamp region from A, showing that natrin binds to domains 5 and 6 of RyR1. Domain rendering of natrin molecule: PR-1 domain (amino-acid residues 1–160, blue), linker (residues 161–182, green), and CRD (residues 183-221, red). Numbers indicate residues that protrude slightly out of the density map envelope. (C) Detailed view of clamp-shaped structure, showing relative positions of previously mapped amino-terminal (N) and central (C) mutation hotspots.