The membrane anchor of β1,4GT can target a
reporter protein to the Golgi region in C6/36 cells. Control (A and C)
or cholesterol-depleted C6/36 cells (B and D) were transfected with SFV
RNA encoding Iip31 (A and B) or a chimeric protein (C and D) with the
membrane anchor of β1,4GT and the lumenal domain of Iip31
(1–47GT/Iip31), and fixed 16 h posttransfection. After
permeabilization, cells were labeled with anti-Iip31 and Texas
red-conjugated secondary antibody. The membrane anchor of β1,4GT is
sufficient to redirect Iip31 from an endosomal/plasma membrane
distribution (A and B) to a Golgi region distribution both in the
presence (C) and absence (D) of cholesterol. Bar, 10 μm.