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. 2007 Jun 12;2(3):240–250. doi: 10.1093/scan/nsm020

Table 1.

Significant clusters of activation (one-sample t-test) for happy and sad chimeric faces according to the visual field of affect presentation

Regions of activation Active voxels x y z z-score
Unilateral masked happiness
R. Inferior parietal lobule 108 44 −42 50 4.28
R. Middle occipital gyrus 97 38 −72 16 4.23
R. Pre-central gyrus 69 44 −10 36 3.93
R. Calcarine cortex 609 10 −86 4 3.89
R. Middle temporal gyrus 32 68 −38 4 3.69
R. Fusiform gyrus 34 40 −42 −24 3.69
R. Inferior temporal gyrus 35 62 −56 −10 3.59
R. Inferior frontal gyrus (operculum) 46 52 16 26 3.37
R. Calcarine cortex 800 10 −84 4 4.09
R. Middle occipital gyrus 63 38 −70 16 3.85
R. Inferior parietal lobule 70 44 −42 50 3.81
R. Middle temporal gyrus 87 68 −38 2 3.73
R. Inferior frontal (trigone) 21 58 20 6 3.67
L. Middle temporal gyrus 71 −58 −42 −10 3.66
Unilateral masked sadness
R. Calcarine cortex 2356 10 −84 4 5.12
R. Middle frontal gyrus 737 34 6 48 4.55
L. Inferior frontal (trigone) 41 −50 28 8 3.99
L. Supplementary motor area 64 −6 2 56 3.95
R. Superior temporal pole 27 60 8 −8 3.94
R. Globus pallidus 68 18 −4 8 3.89
R. Supplementary motor area 44 4 −2 64 3.84
L. Precentral gyrus 84 −52 4 30 3.82
R. Superior temporal pole 25 44 20 −20 3.79
R. Middle temporal gyrus 31 54 −36 −14 3.75
R. Superior temporal pole 83 28 4 −24 3.67
R. Middle frontal gyrus 23 38 52 8 3.64
R. Thalamus 34 10 −24 12 3.49
L. Putamen 31 −18 6 10 3.47
L. Superior temporal gyrus 25 −60 −10 4 3.46
L. Middle temporal gyrus 75 −38 −4 −28 3.41
R. Calcarine cortex 2283 10 −84 2 4.81
R. Middle frontal gyrus 208 32 8 46 4.61
L. Supplementary motor area 100 −10 2 54 4.24
R. Superior temporal pole 135 48 20 −22 4.06
R. Inferior frontal (operculum) 232 56 12 30 3.96
L. Inferior orbital frontal 20 −36 26 −18 3.93
R. Supplementary motor area 66 4 −4 64 3.86
R. Globus pallidus 172 18 −2 6 3.76
L. Superior temporal gyrus 132 −60 −10 4 3.71
L. Pre-central gyrus 65 −52 4 30 3.64
L. Inferior frontal (operculum) 33 −50 14 8 3.62
L. Putamen 39 −16 6 8 3.52
R. Middle temporal gyrus 20 52 −32 −16 3.50
R. Middle orbital frontal gyrus 32 10 56 −2 4.79
L. Superior orbital frontal gyrus 26 −22 54 −6 3.31

Note: L, left hemisphere; R, right hemisphere; LVF, left visual field; RVF, right visual field. Atlas coordinates are from the MNI standard atlas, such that x reflects the distance (mm) to the right or left of midline, y reflects the distance anterior or posterior to the anterior commissure and z reflects the distance superior or inferior to the horizontal plane through the AC-PC line.