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. 2007 Oct 1;3(1):7–15. doi: 10.1093/scan/nsm033

Table 2.

Results of the risk vs safe contrasts for the younger older, and older vs younger men

BA Side x y z Volume (mm3) T
Younger men
Superior temporal gyrus 38 L −40 −6 −14 104 5.73
Parahippocampal gyrus 36 L −26 −28 −20 552 5.68
36 L −28 −44 −8 744 5.71
Cerebellum R 16 −26 −24 320 5.68
Older men
Insula 13 R 42 0 −12 216 5.52
Superior temporal gyrus 38 R 52 4 −14 216 7.56
Calcarine 18/31 R 12 −62 10 208 6.14
Precuneus 7 R 4 −48 50 128 5.69
Posterior cingulate gyrus 30 L −8 −40 18 104 6.65
Thalamus R 14 −10 16 168 9.62
Older vs younger men
Middle frontal gyrus 10 L −30 50 20 104 4.10
Insula 13 R 38 12 −12 800 4.61
Calcarine 17/18 R 20 −76 6 192 4.19
Thalamus L −16 −24 20 712 4.95

BA, Brodmann's Area; L, left hemisphere; R, right hemisphere; x, y, z in MNI coordinates.